Alberta Advantage Immigration Program

Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP): Your Way to Permanent Residency in Alberta

The Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP) serves as a key pathway for obtaining permanent residency in Alberta, Canada. The program aims to attract skilled workers and entrepreneurs by the Alberta government, in collabouration with the federal Canada government, to fill labour markets and respond to shortages while maximising economic growth and opening more opportunities for doing business in the province.

Successful applicants under the AAIP are allowed to file for permanent residency status with their spouse or common-law partner and dependent children. The AAIP does not approve the applications of individuals but rather nominates them. Candidates accept the final decisions of IRCC on all applications for permanent residency.

AAIP Workers and Entrepreneurs Teams

The AAIP consists of two key streams, with each designed to look at different profiles: the skilled workers stream and the entrepreneurial stream. Within the framework of each of those two streams is a list of specific streams relating to many different candidate profiles that look at both the needs of the labour market in the province and entrepreneurial objectives.

Worker Streams

1. Alberta Opportunity Stream
Launched in June 2018, the Alberta Opportunity Stream applies to foreign nationals already working in the province: candidates must have a full-time job offer from an Alberta employer and meet criteria related to experience, language, education, and their employer. It presents a solid pathway for a class already in Alberta, contributing and desiring to stay in the Alberta market.

2. Alberta Express Entry Stream
Also launched in June 2018, the Alberta Express Entry Stream allows the province to nominate candidates from the federal Express Entry pool. Preference is given to candidates who have strong ties with Alberta or can contribute aggressively to the economic development of the province. This stream’s nomination carries with it an astonishing 600 points added to the candidate’s CRS score, raising their chances exponentially for receiving an ITA to apply for permanent residency.

3. Alberta Accelerated Tech Pathway
This is why recognition has been given to the tech sector early on, and the Alberta Accelerated Tech Pathway was established to help fast-track tech industry workers. To be eligible under this pathway, a worker should have a job offer from an Alberta employer in any of the 38 in-demand tech occupations covered under the Alberta Express Entry Stream. This stream is designed to attract top tech talent to help with leading Alberta in innovation and technology.

Exclusively for Entrepreneurs

1. Rural Entrepreneur Stream
The Rural Entrepreneur Stream is primarily seeking entrepreneurs who plan to start a business in rural Alberta, providing a unique opportunity for those who intend to enhance the economic development of smaller communities within the province.

2. Farm Stream
This stream is for farmers who are experienced enough and with the required resources and level of expertise to start a farming operation in Alberta. Key to this stream is the requirement of a detailed and viable business proposal, thereby assuring that new agricultural businesses are well planned and sustainable.

3. Graduate Entrepreneur Stream
This stream is designed for recent international graduates who have studied in Alberta and are eager to start a business within the province. Like the Alberta Express Entry Stream, the Graduate Entrepreneur Stream will rank candidates on a point-based EOI system, and the focus will be on innovation and entrepreneurship for young professionals.

4. Foreign Graduate Entrepreneur Stream
The Foreign Graduate Entrepreneur Stream will provide opportunities for foreign graduates with a post-secondary degree/diploma/certificate issued in the last near past to start an enterprise in Alberta. Applicants must submit an application through the online portal of the AAIP. This makes the option extremely reachable for international talent with new ideas and entrepreneurial spirit.

Closed Streams

In June 2018, Alberta discontinued two streams that were earlier opened under the AAIP:

1. Alberta Strategic Recruitment Stream
Alberta Strategic Recruitment StreamPreviously, the stream of this program was occupation-based, but this stream has been closed now for intake.

2. Alberta Employer-Driven Stream
This stream targeted applications with job offers from Alberta employers, which currently has sub-programs for skilled workers, international graduates, and semi-skilled workers.
Again, this stream is no longer accepting any applicants.

Next Draw for Alberta PNP

There are no key dates published for the PNP draws for the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program. At any given time, the frequency of these draws can differ or change depending on the need and quota established by the Alberta government. It is advisable to keep checking the official AINP website or subscribe to the notification to get the latest updates on upcoming draws.


The Alberta Advantage Immigration Program offers lucrative options for obtaining permanent residence in Alberta for prospective immigrants, be they skilled workers matching labour market deficiencies or entrepreneurs with vision wishing to establish or expand their business in the province. Across the many streams, AAIP provides assurance that Alberta will continue to prosper and that there will always be economic opportunity for those seeking to call this province home.

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